Social Scene News

9 Simple Ways Event Marketing Boosts Your Brand

Written by Katie Cahnmann | Dec 1, 2016 5:41:33 PM

How well do consumers know your brand? Your customer’s ability to recognize and recall your brand is central to their purchasing decision. Brand awareness is a key consideration in consumer behavior and is a significant factor in why event marketing is important to building your brand and generating leads! Let’s look at 9 simple ways event marketing boosts your brand.

Event Marketing…….

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  1. Let’s you interact with your consumers

Hosting an event allows you to meet and interact with your customers on a much more personal level and gives you the opportunity to market to them directly. They will get to see, touch, taste, feel, and interact with your product or service. The ability to experience something firsthand, in-person creates a deeper, more meaningful connection.

  1. Helps you reach your targeted audience

When you create an event around a specific product or service, you will attract the attention of potential customers that might be interested in that particular product or service. Attendees will be potential prospects that you can turn into leads and possibly even close a sale! A large portion of guests will be individuals who already have an interest in what you have to offer but want to experience it firsthand to see if it is something they will enjoy.

Join the Be Social Movement, share events and earn money when you bring friends.

  1. Gets you brand exposure and builds brand recognition

A well-marketed event will grab attention not only from consumers but media outlets, too. The more distinct your event, the more likely it is to get media coverage. Make your event standout. Pay attention to what other brands are doing and create something unique and new to garner attention and interest. Hosting events promotes your brand and gives people the chance to connect with it. If it’s a great and memorable event everyone will be talking about it and connecting YOUR brand to it!

  1. Increases foot traffic AND sales

Events in general attract foot traffic. Work that unique angle we previously mentioned to get people interested in your event. If you can gain the interest of some, there’s a good chance they will tell their friends who will tell their friends and so on drawing a large crowd to your event. The more people you get in front of your brand the better. Events allow a mass amount of people to come together for a focused cause.

Interested in hosting your own tasting events? Learn how today by signing up for our Event Academy!

  1. Allows you to make more valuable and personable (face-to-face) connections

Connecting with your clients on a personal level has a large impact on their engagement with your brand. In the virtual world we are living in now, face-to-face connections are rare yet so impactful. That in-person experience can really solidify a potential customer’s interest in your company. Event marketing provides the vehicle needed to connect with your market in a unique and personal way. At an event, you can speak directly to your audience, encourage crowd participation, allow for a q&a, and engage your consumers on all levels. Learn more about connecting with your customer on the Social Scene's Blog.

  1. Creates a chance to increase positive reviews

When you throw a great event people remember it and they tell others about it. Creating unforgettable unique experiences leaves lasting impressions on your audience. There’s a good possibility they will not only verbally share their experience but they might also write great reviews on popular sites like Yelp and Google+. Just be sure your event is well-organized and delivers what it promises leading up to the event. Great customer service transforms to repeat business and positive reviews.


Join the Be Social Movement, share events and earn money when you bring friends.

  1. Improves your SEO

As part of your marketing and promotional efforts, you will list your event on as many local event calendars, both online and print, as possible. Be sure to include a link back to your personal website on every listing. We highly recommend creating trackable links so you can see the actual clicks and leads generated from each listing. Everywhere your event is listed so is your brand including your business name and contact information This helps boost your rating on local search engines.

  1. Grows your social media presence and following

Social media platforms are great for advertising and promoting your event and generating a buzz. Create unique hashtags for your event and promote them in advance. Include hashtags in all posts and encourage your audience to use them, too. Display the hashtags prominently at the event so attendees remember to use it in their social media posts. Encourage guests to check-in to your event, snap photos, and post about the event throughout the night using designated hashtags, of course.

  1. Creates more content

Content is key to a successful marketing campaign. Content drives interest which in turn can create leads and generate sales. But let’s be honest, we don’t always have something compelling to write about or subject that’s worth sharing. Hosting events gives you tons of content for your blog. You share the details of the event with your consumers before the actual event date encouraging them to buy tickets. You can share your event live on social media from tweets and instagram posts to snapchats and facebook and youtube live videos. And you can create content after the event about the experience.

A well-planned and executed event that delivers on its promises helps improve your brand’s value and increase sales. Events allow you to directly connect with your consumers and lets your customers actively engage with your product or service. These interactions add value and can positively impact your brand recognition.

Experiences create long-lasting memories. People don’t always remember an email, a call, or an image but they do remember experiences.



Katie Cahnmann
National Media & Sponsorship Manager
Social Scene 

Social Scene ( - An online and on-site solution to corporate event planning and brand building! Build your brand with your team, current clients, future clients or the community around you! We work with you to produce custom online and offline experiential concepts to build your brand!