There’s something to be said about following your gut and trusting in the instinctual fortress that lies within. It has been said that the smartest business folks allow their gut to guide them towards the best decision in taking the next step.
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I would like to think I am a simple woman that goes with my own flow and steers in the direction of not fighting what I call, "life waves." The waves of life, shift based on the wind storms of tumultuous occasions in life. You can't predict the future, but when you comply with that innate knowledge we all have, life gets a bit easier. When we go against the grain, as we focus on the shift rather than going with the flow, difficulties arise. I had to learn the hard way, but now I know!
It’s what “life storms” look like. What feeling lost feels like. It is what resonates with you as you feel pain. We can select the wrong business to be in. Or pick the wrong mate or nibble on the wrong morsel of food.
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We can speak against the best that can occur rather than ignite to follow what truly feels right.
How many of us have made a decision resulting in an incredible amount of resistance? I always say when things are meant to be, things align well. Nothing is stressed. It becomes a compilation of perfect steps to create exactly what you want. It is a seamless effort of desire awakening in what feels like just a moment, but it was enabled by constantly following the attention of intuition.
Successful people work hard. They value their intuition.
Interested in hosting your own tasting events? Learn how today by signing up for our Event Academy!
For years they are tested by unbelievers. They are tested by hearing "no's" rather than a resounding "yes." Sometimes, although we see people "make it" and it seems they came out of nowhere as an overnight sensation, the truth is we didn't get to see the perseverance through the worst times. They believed and followed their vision, listened to their intuition and remained determined.
So stop the fight and follow your intuition. Follow the ways of the flow and stride in the direction of joyful notes waiting for your arrival. Like a tune, missing a beat, it can create a song, but it takes more time. So make yourself aware of when you feel effortlessly high and weather the storms, but avoid the ones your instincts are battling to get you to be attentive to. It could result in a step forward toward your greatest success in all avenues of life!
Enter TODAY to win a free trip to Dublin for St. Patrick’s Day!

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Social Scene ( - An online and on-site solution to corporate event planning and brand building! Build your brand with your team, current clients, future clients or the community around you! We work with you to produce custom online and offline experiential concepts to build your brand!