How much do you want to reflect on your past and remember all the good times? How much do you desire to look back and smile, rather than frown because of the fond memories embedded in your mind? The idea of looking into the past can create depression, and the idea of looking into the future can manifest anxiety, but relishing in the moment urges nothing but positivity when you take the time to be aware of your attitude.
The desire and endless nature of humanity is to survive, but why not create happiness as you are surviving. Have you noticed or heard of the stories of children in impoverished nations smiling, dancing and showing love? Their innate ability to stay in the moment has catered to the depth of a life of happiness. Think of their future for a moment. Take the time to think of how they will reflect on their past. Sure, they may recall the experience of being hungry, or going with less than, but as their moments of awareness of the moments are combined, their smiles will conquer all.
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Moments are impressionable, and remembering the times when you had such a fab time is everlasting, right? So as you continue to live and be, why not express nothing but positivity? Why not experience the best that life has to offer?
Whether you are fortunate to have more than enough, whether you have the ability to walk, talk, dance or not, something is to be said about the impact of your thoughts, of the way in which you select to be in the very time that is now.
Experience the best that life is. Make it so you reflect and take the time to remember the times and there is nothing but smiles, laughter and love amongst self, those around you, that you like and love, and even strangers.
Something to remember as you attempt to be present; if you can remember something from yesterday, it was only because you were present. The times you don't recollect, you can guarantee your mind was elsewhere in that moment. Your thoughts were pressing on something beyond where you were, so the moment passed you by.
Now think of the times you do can think of the way you felt, you can see the experience and you feel the connection to that moment; such a compelling understanding.
Create more of those memories with Social Scene. Be Social. Be Seen. Be Social Scene.
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In the midst of those words is the approach we are driven to create the best memorable moments and to experience life in the best way we can.
Remember the time Inspiration?