When you were growing up did your parents ever advise you ask them about this or that to verify the accuracy of something you may have heard? Well since no one wants to ask their parents about alcohol, we made this handy list to correct a few inaccurate -isms on the subject of recovering from a night out.
1. “Liquor before beer, you’re in the clear”
The order in which you consume beverages has nothing to do with the overall effect they have. The amount and pace at which you drink is what’s linked with your well-being, not the order in which you consume beverages. See which on-the-market hangover aid is best for you, and check out our favorite here.
2. “Soda in your vodka counts as hydration”
You’re actually doing more harm with effervescent mixers than good. According to a study by the National Center for Biotechnology Information, your body is likely to absorb alcohol faster when added to something bubbly like club soda or tonic water.
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3. “A Tylenol before bed and you're all set”After a night out, adding an acetaminophen-based over-the-counter to the equation before bed will put your already strained liver under even greater stress, which is bad news! An ibuprofen (Advil or Motrin) in the morning is a much safer bet for avoiding the dizzy nausea, and it’s kinder to your body! |
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4. “Hair of the dog”You may have already come to this conclusion yourself, but this so-called “remedy” is anything but. Of alcohol’s many side-effects is that it dehydrates you, and after suffering this all night long, it’s hardly a good idea to continue depleting your body of the hydration it so desperately needs to rejuvenate. |
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5. “Rest is best”
Although you may not feel like moving an inch upon waking up to the undesirable physical sensation of your new hangover, a stretch of the legs (and more) are just what the Dr. ordered.
Although the majority of alcohol is metabolized by your liver, an estimated 2-8% leaves the body through various channels including through your sweat and breath. Though getting up out and active may be the last thing on your to-do list, it could make all the difference in restoring you to normal health!
All things considered, it’s the amount you consume that has the biggest impact on how you fare the morning after. You’ve probably heard all things in moderation, and it’s no different in this case.
Dennis Lyons
Social Media & Brand Manager
My Drink On (MyDrinkOn.com) - An online marketplace in 10 cities hosting over 200 concepts each year to connect party goers, venues, and brands!