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St. Patrick’s Day Across The World: How It Is Celebrated and Why?

Written by CJ Resaba | Feb 2, 2018 9:31:52 PM
 St Patricks Day Celebrations Across The World

Everyone wants to be Irish on St. Patrick’s Day. This isn’t surprising! The popularity of this feat has reached a global audience. The green, associated with the festival, brings a flair for tradition and modern merrymaking.


Join the bar crawl in your city to celebrate St Patrick's Day! Grab your crew and save with code DWF (Drink With Friends) by clicking below!

But it goes beyond the color. What follows is a trip and let’s see how St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated across the world.

 St. Patrick’s Day: The Basics

The festivity definitely rings a bell. Before exploring it, let’s look back on how this special occasion started. Are you intrigued with what the iconic symbols mean?


St. Patrick’s Day commemorates the death of the missionary who brought Christianity to Ireland. It is interesting to note that St. Patrick, according to tradition, originally hailed from Britain. He was held captive by Irish pirates and was coerced to slavery.

Patrick is now one of Ireland’s patron saints. This is in recognition of his ministry of converting pagans after he had escaped from his captors. In fact, March 17th is designated to remember his legacy. There are even landmarks in Ireland where you can trace St. Patrick’s steps.



1. The Clover

 Lucky Three Leafed Clover

The three-leafed symbol is called a Shamrock (“young clover”) among the Irish. To explain the Christian Holy Trinity, St. Patrick used this as a visual.


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2. Leprechaun Hats

You might have seen big inflated hat-shaped balloons on the streets of NYC during St. Patrick’s Day. These belong to mischievous creatures from Ireland - yes, the Leprechauns. Folklore says these bearded entities wear green coats and poke at drunk men!

But in reality, you can dash some adventure during the festivity sans the little creatures. Be sure to check this guide.

 St. Patrick’s Day Celebrations Around The Globe



1. Wear Your Greens At Trafalgar Square, London

The Brits surely know how to party on St. Patrick’s Day. After all, Irish communities flourish on UK’s mainland. A famous parade with crowds lining up in Piccadilly Circus marks the celebration. Vocal performances, featuring Irish performers, await the audience as the parade reach the square.

 How much more British can it get, enjoying beer on underground pubs? You may not be able to drink some pints with the Queen but surely you can invite your chums.

 2. Kung Hei Patrick?


Who says St. Patrick’s Day can’t go oriental? In partnership with the Chinese government, Ireland’s tourism initiative illuminated parts of the Great Wall green last 2016. This was a gesture of friendship between the two countries.

 The festivity is slowly becoming a big deal - with Chinese officials acknowledging it being celebrated in major cities overseas. Expect some green dim sum soon!


Dawn your green and crawl with your crew this year during the St Patrick's Day Bar Crawl! You definitely don't want to miss it. Join in the fun and save 20% with code DWF!



3. St. Patrick’s Day - Land Down Under

Though not a public holiday, Aussies make sure to bring in some Irish flavours on the table. Restaurants serve Irish menus and pubs cocktail specials go green. Historical societies in Sydney hold talks to educate the public about the Irish being one of the immigrants to settle in the smallest continent.



4. Cruising The Green Waters - Chicago

Greening the Chicago River is perhaps one of the known St. Patrick’s custom in the US. Guests can enjoy the dyed river aboard sightseeing cruises. Thinking of bar crawling? Ready your stomach juices first with sumptuous lunch buffets on the boat.

If you’ll be in the United States next year, gather your Leprechaun friends. Social Scene joins the fun with the 2019 Chicago Whiskey Festival and Bar Crawl. For more details about these events, hop on to There will be bar crawls, whiskey tasting festivals, and more.

For the years to come, St. Patrick’s Day will reach more corners of the world. May the luck in our drinking spree be always in our favor.

And may the promos, amazing St Pats merchandise and Social Scene news keep coming directly to your inbox!

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CJ Resaba

Professional Content Writer

Social Scene