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A Beginner’s Guide To Wine Tastings

Written by Jon Lindley Agustin | Dec 18, 2017 6:58:16 PM

A Beginner’s Guide To Wine Tastings

 Craft wine and spirits are common thoroughfares to a great time at a party. But perhaps you have heard about wine tasting events? You may have been invited to this affair at least once in your lifetime, and it is a good opportunity to try it. Here is a beginner’s guide to wine tasting and why this should be on your bucket list.

Not all wine lovers have attended a tasting event. Often, it is by-invite and may be a company gathering out of a business sponsor’s generosity. But some people forego the experience because it is intimidating and they think it might be a shame to be with a community without knowledge about the technical part. You don’t have to be a sommelier or a wine expert to participate.

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What To Do Before The Wine Tasting Event

When it comes to tasting events, every palate is unique and perspectives about wine are different, says Jack Smithson of Winerist. There are a lot of beginner’s guides written around but here are the most important things that you should know.

  • There is no dress code when attending wine tastings but be sure to stay smart casual to semi-formal without going overboard.
  • Remember not to sport a copious aftershave or perfume. Outside scents can become distracting to the elements of the wine, in addition to your partnering patrons. 
  • Make sure that your glass is not overfilled since there should be enough room for the wine to swirl around. 
  • Inspect the wine in terms of its colors, clarity and viscosity.
  • It is not advisable to hold it too close to your side as you will never be able to see the colors in the glass. The best position is to look straight down the glass lifting it up. 

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During The Experience


So it is not simply about drinking the wine bottoms up, isn’t it? Craft wine and spirits tastings – usually held in vineyards, hotels, and rented space – involve the community. To enjoy the entire experience means to do things right.


  • To swirl or not to swirl, that is the question. As you may have observed, wine tasters usually swirl their glasses in their hands. According to Henderson Castle, beginners are recommended to keep their drink glasses on a flat surface. 
  • There is a reason why participants should not wear strong perfumes in the tasting events. As the wine is poured, there will be a lot of sniffing and you don’t want to get wrong with the aroma.
  • Some of the aromas you should be aware of include: wine barrel aromas, fruits, flowers, spices, and herbs.
  • Then comes the tasting. It is important to only take a subtle sip at each of the varieties so you can enjoy the rest. Keep the comparisons of the taste to the aroma you smelled earlier within you, and skilled tasters do this with so much craft.
  • You may have seen drinkers spit the wine they just took in. Should you do it as well? One Hope Wine says it depends on your choice. Some do it out of the desire to remain sober until the tasting is finished. For beginners, take it easy and allow the wine to “swish and dance” inside your mouth with all the flavors and swallow it. 


Interested in savings and additional perks at our tastings, select your city here!

How Make The Most Out Of It

The next question you might ask after the tasting is whether there is complementary food. While some organizers serve food, expert wine tasters think about discussing the experience right after so the best way to learn is to listen and ask questions.


  • Tastings held in vineyards and hotels usually have wine connoisseurs asking everyone how it went. It does not matter if they speak French or Italian so make sure that you ask some questions and discuss.
  • Craft wine and spirits tastings are best enjoyed with a friend rather than just by yourself. You may even take some time to understand more about the colors, aromas, textures, and exotic varieties.

It takes experience to call yourself a spontaneous wine tasting expert. But the path to learning the ropes of the trade is to start it right. Let Social Scene guide you to wine tastings and join us in our upcoming events. Visit to learn more.

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Jon Lindley Agustin

Professional Content Writer

Social Scene




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